House Oversight Committee blasts Eric Holder for trying to hide info about killed patrolman Brian Terry

The House Oversight Committee just blasted former president Obama and his attorney general Eric Holder for delaying the probe into the death of Border Patrolman Brian Terry. Brian was killed during Obama’s unsuccessful and scandalous gun-running project named Operation Fast and Furious.

The Operation was led by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) during Obama’s time in office. The project was the permission for gun shops to sell weapons to known drug lord from Mexico and to cartel members. Then, the plan was to track down the guns to the cartels that bought them and ultimately expose the criminal networks.

Predictably, this strategy was bound to fail from the beginning. The FTA lost track of 1,400 of the 2,000 weapons sold, and what’s worse, patrol officer Brian Terry may have been killed with one of these weapons during a shootout on the border with Mexico.

A suspect for Terry’s murder was apprehended last month and, should he prove to be the killer, this will be a major opportunity to bring the investigation to an end.

The Department of Justice ran by Eric Holder was criticized by the House Oversight Committee for trying to conceal information about Brian’s from his family. Their lengthy report also slammed Obama’s use of executive authority to stop Congress from reviewing files of Operation Fast and Furious.

GOP senator of Iowa Charles Grassley, who is also the chairperson of the Senate Judiciary Committee, attacked the DOJ, saying:

“The Department of Justice and ATF had no intention of looking for honest answers and being transparent…In fact, from the onset, bureaucrats employed shameless delay tactics to obstruct the investigation.”



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